Friday, June 06, 2008

Tibet is just 3 passes away

. . . it seems. "Unta dhura (the ridge shaped like a camel back), Jandi Dhura and Kingribingi dhura( because of the convoluted way), you are in Tibet.
But for Malari, one has to cross Unta dhura and camp at Topi dunga and then go across Khinger pass to Lapthal and then onto the road head at Sumna and finally Malari.
It seems there are two routes from Topidunga to Malari. One is the above route and the second one seems to be along Girthi river by-passing the the disputed territory of Lapthal and Barahoti which constitute the middle sector in India-China contention over actual border. Google earth which shows the line of actual control does n't show Lapthal to be in Indian territory.Very few trekking parties who went to that area also visited Lapthal as per the trek reports.
Someday I think I should be able make it as the tentions ease between the two countries."



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