Thursday, January 26, 2006

bag reqs.

i've penned down a list of things that would go into a bike bag . . . chex . . . add . .

  1. spares, tools, oil, petrol, tube
  2. sleeping bag, ground sheet, tent
  3. soap, hand towel, brush, paste, cream
  4. clothes (undies, sox, t shirts, pans, shorts, towel, jacket, floaters, gloves, muffler)
  5. camera, film, batteries, film
  6. walkman/mp3 player, goggles (day and night)
  7. swiss army knife
  8. chocolate, chikki, biscuts, preserves, coffe mix, soups mix . . .
  9. books, notebook, sketh book
  10. maps
  11. pen, pencil, cutter, blades
the idea is to have the large gear strapped directly to the bike and two bags which go on each side of the bike holding the rest of the stuff! i had thought that both the bags should combine to make one rucksack, but asim says that when you are leaving your bike, it makes sense to leave like half your stuff anyway, so maybe it makes more sense to just have one of the two as a ruck sack . . . who ever had a puncture while walking . . ?

i'm working on some drawings which i shall scan and upload . . .

Monday, January 16, 2006

slides finally scanned

i'd almost forgotten what it was like, but these bring some back! definately one of the best rides in the country along the satluj and spiti! snow stopped us from getting our bikes to kaza, but we left them behing! quite a blast. -20 c is good fun! we were also the only tourists in spiti at the time!

. . . spiti . . .  Posted by Picasa

barren spiti winter . . . Posted by Picasa

post spanning expression! Posted by Picasa

the best parts entail leaving the wheels behind! Posted by Picasa

top of the world? Posted by Picasa

some of the best parts . . . daimul village on the lingti river a tributary of the spiti! Posted by Picasa

bullet ad? Posted by Picasa

anyone heard of mulling? yes thats my bike spanning across. definately the most exhausting experience in my life! very rewarding though . . Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 07, 2006

yo! bhang boys . . . .

swastik and i were thinking of quickly biking down to amritsar sometime this month . . . waga border golden temple and all that . . punjab winter is quite kick ass (-;

Friday, January 06, 2006

Do we see this kinda sunset in delhi anytime....coz i remember as a child ..delhi sky would also get this same color....rainy season perhaps..............Any views???

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Sambhar lake

A good off the road biking option is Sambhar lake.Turn left at Dudu, when going from Ajmer to Jaipur. It's a nice distraction from the so called super highway.Dont be amazed if u dont find any water ..its supposed to be like that ..its salt mining !!dummies!!!The lake makes for nice speculation talk also....just as the wind mills in Jaisalmer...well thats another story for another time.....thump on


this is where i got my bike fixed in the golden city. Anybody need a fix , just ask for raju sardar!!!

riding in the desert is on. It saves you from the extreme cold in delhi